The sad thing that I have come to discover, is that I think I have developed Cyris more as a character in the past year or two than I have in the many years I've had him around as a character in the first place. Remember kids, always make characters, not love interests. Because if you make a love interest instead of a character, they could suffer the same fate as someone that has no personality. Cyris has been saved this fate I think.
Yeah I... guess that was kinda spoilerish, but I don't think anyone that's been following me this long doesn't know about that.. already. I think.
Side note, character design going well; I am pleased. Also, I think I will use this as an RSS feed of sorts for the updating of my home page. Eh, it's not like my main page of my site doesn't do anything more important than just plain re-directing to other sections of the site.